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Brazil Nuts Oil, benefits and contraindications

Brazil Nuts Oil

Origin and History:

The Brazil Nuts tree is one of the tallest trees in the Amazon (it reaches more than 50 meters high), is located in the region of Madre de Dios in Peru, Acre in Brazil and Pando in Bolivia; it is able to tell stories from over a thousand years of history. Undisputed king of the vegetation of the jungle, it has a treasure in the form of wooden capsules, where a wealth for the palate and organism is stored. Brazil nus, a tasty and healthy dry fruit, source of energy, fiber and protein without calories is one of the main ingredients of food for children and newborns.

Brazil Nuts contain approximately 67% of oil, obtained through the pressing of the seed. After extra filtration, extra virgin oil is obtained, extracted from the first pressing.

Brazil Nuts oil, in addition to being edible and being part of the diets of the Indians and mestizos of the Amazon, who consume the almond, contains “selenium”. These raw materials are traditionally used as digestive, healing; fights anemia, tuberculosis and beriberi.

Brazil Nuts oil is characterized by its pleasant taste,  it is a gourmet oil that improves the taste of raw vegetables. It contains 36.1% of omega 6 and 39.3% of omega 9, it contains 88% more vitamin E (tocopherols) than other oils and also more selenium in addition to phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins C and B2.

It replaces olive oil with its mild and pleasant taste,  it functionally helps us fight arthritis for which we must consume a tablespoon of Brazil Nuts oil in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime. To reduce cholesterol, add two tablespoons of  Brazil Nuts oil daily to salads. Being rich in unsaturated fats, which have a tendency to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Traditional Use:

Principal benefits: 


By containing selenium, it can have harmful effects if consumed in abundant amounts and cause diarrhea, irritability, garlic breath or with metallic flavors, nausea, brittle hair or nails, skin rashes, discoloration of teeth and nervous system problems. (National Institutes of Health, USA).

The maximum dose to be taken is 400 mcg (micrograms) per day for adults, while for children it is 150 mcg.

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