Amazon Andes

Graviola or soursop


Our Graviola or Soursop (Annona muricata) has a high content of acetogenins, a substance that may help treat malignant cells and does not damage healthy tissue. These grow between 0 – 1000 meters above sea level.

At AMAZON ANDES we are producers, suppliers and exporters of organic products derived from Graviola or Soursop (powder, vegetable capsules and dried leaves). We offer wholesale prices for importers and distributors. We are suppliers of the best raw material from the Andean-Amazonian area in Peru.

We have an active certificate by Control Union Peru for USDA-NOP, EUROPE, CANADA and JAPAN. We have FDA certified facilities. We also offer the EOM service or private label for Graviola capsules, powder and dried leaves.

We have HACCP and GMP quality certifications by NSF. Batch certificates of analysis and samples are available.

We are the best supplier alternative from origin. The best amazonian Graviola or Soursop.


Graviola also known as soursop (Annona muricata) grows between 0 – 1000 meters above sea level. It has been cultivated since pre-Hispanic times. Representations of its fruit have been found in ceramics from the Chimú Culture.

It was first described by the Spanish historian Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés in 1526 and was spread throughout the world by Spanish explorers. The fruit is grown commercially throughout tropical America.

It is a fruit from a tree native to South America, which grows spontaneously from southern Mexico to Brazil and is presumed to have had its center of origin in Colombia or Peru. It was one of the first plants brought to Europe after the discovery of America.

It is a plant native to the tropical zone of South America. Soursop leaves contain active principles known as annonaceas acetogenins, they could have properties superior to that of ADRIAMYCIN recognized antitumor.


Traditional use of graviola is recorded globally in traditional medicine systems, including Barbados, Borneo (Kalimantan, Indonesia), Brazil, Cook Islands, Curaçao, Dominica, Guatemala, Guam, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Madagascar, Malaysia , Peru, Suriname, Togo, the West Indies, and the Amazon. Graviola is widely used in traditional Indian medicine for the ‘treatment of kidney problems, fever, nervousness, ulcers and wounds’ and has antispasmodic, antidysenteric and antiparasitic activity. As for the plant parts, the ‘leaves are used as a suppurative, febrifuge; its bark as a tonic; roots as an antispasmodic, parasiticide; flowers as; green fruit as an antiscurvy; and seeds as an insecticide.”In the Ayurvedic medicine of India, the plant is used as a bitter, tonic, abortifacient, febrifuge, scorpion sting, high blood pressure, and as a respiratory stimulant.In Trinidad and Tobago, Graviola leaves are used to treat hypertension.In the Peruvian Amazon, the leaves and root bark are used as an antispasmodic, sedative , and for diabetes. In the Guianas, a tea is prepared from either the leaf or bark as a cardiotonic or sedative. Many of these traditional uses have been scientifically validated. ically since the 1940s. Graviola bark and extracts have been shown by scientists to be hypotensive, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, vasodilator, a smooth muscle relaxant, and to possess cardiodepressant activity in animals.
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